Ulrich Allgaier

Atelier Allgaier
Ulrich Allgaier
Römerweg 27 - 29
D - 74238 Krautheim - Neunstetten
Tel.: 06294 - 1855

ullision(at)web.de www.ullision.de

derzeitige Fotoausstellung :
Symbole der Realität

Präsentation fotografischer Arbeiten

Gerhart-Hauptmann-Str.14b / 69221 Dossenheim


Der Fotograf Ulrich Allgaier "ullision" schafft Arbeiten von größter artifizieller Raffinesse, sowie von subtiler malerischer Qualität.
Sie weisen in ihrer Vielgestaltigkeit auf einen weiten, kunstgeschichtlich grundierten Horizont hin, in dem der Akt wie eine Essenz der Darstellung des Menschen wirkt, beseelt durch eine tiefe innere Ruhe, eine nicht in Frage stehende Selbstverständlichkeit.
Eine wahre Huldigung an das Leben und an die Schönheit des natürlichen weiblichen Körpers.

Das Leben kann so prachtvoll sein !

current photo exhibition :
Symbols of reality

Presentation of photographic work

Gerhart -Hauptmann- Str.14b / 69221 Dossenheim

www.sauna - dossenheim.de

I think and feel that in the people -scale sensibilities of beauty , purity and harmony of a millennia-old vision spring to nature. It is the origin and basis of life , of being. Much of what we live today and experience is , in the truest sense of the word "un - natural".
My images are to inspire little associations with everyday life.
They allow rapt , " de-ranged " insight into a world outside distractions , addictions, appearances , material pursuit and action.
My image issues arising from an ongoing internal process , thoughts and feelings that want to be expressed.
The productions are developed from the chosen theme and image in the living out of the here and now. Ideally, everything is in flux , the person to be represented and me as the photographer are in a harmony of mood , the " model " one with the environment, nature and the image subject.
And I'm an observer and director.
All my work is based on nude photography. The theme is the most honest act and the most natural thing for me.
In addition to photography, which has accompanied me throughout my life , I've thought intensively with the painting. Early on, my soul has deeply been touched of the harmony and beauty of Art Nouveau.
In the screens of the Pre-Raphaelites and the Symbolists, I found again many elements of my feelings.
Image topics which particular my painting early on , finally find their fulfillment in my photography. In my pictures, the image of the visible is only a medium for the transmission of symbols of a deeper reality.

Life can be so gorgeous !
